December Daily. I discovered this project in 2016 by following Ali Edwards and I got immediately hooked. It’s not just about recording pretty pictures and adding some stickers to a page, it’s about appreciating each moment, noticing the details that bring you joy, and deciding that your life is worth being documented in a pretty place. Oh how I love this project!
So it’s already the 4th year for me doing it! A few years back, I realized how fast life goes and how many changes I go through. And since I started documenting December, just to confirm my thoughts, not one year has been the same.
Last year’s album is not complete yet, but I am on time for this year’s (almost) and so here are a few snaps I am taking along the way.
My Reason why spread is documented with first a sheet of vellum, because the first half of this year was emotionally very foggy for me. I was confused about most areas of my life, I didn’t really know what direction I was meant to take. In May I went through quite the awakening, so I chose to write my Reason Why in white on a darker paper, as the second half of this year has been about looking into the shadows of my life, bringing light and self-healing to them, and deciding to make the necessary changes to feel happy again.
There are stars throughout the whole album, I am a big fan (they’re all over my home too). A star to me is a little piece of joyful light, a star shines in the darkness, and when a million stars decide to shine together, the sky becomes pure magic.
Products used here: December Daily kit by Paislee Press and some elements of previous DD from Ali Edwards.