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One Little Word 2020 – OPEN

One Little Word 2020 – OPEN

If you haven’t heard of OWL, the concept is to choose one word for one year. It’s simple and extremely powerful. Whether you’d like to have a word to guide you in your personal life, in your career or to help with your relationships, having a word and an intention for the year ahead will bring you to places you never knew existed. That’s how powerful words are.

I chose my word for this year and it is OPEN.

I hesitated for a while with Bloom and Expand, as well as Believe and Trust. But I think that Open is wider, and that’s what essentially I want to do this year: open my heart wide, pull back my defenses, surrender, and allow for the goodness to finally get to me. I decide to be open to receive, open to believe, open to trust, open to love again.

Each year I’m enrolling in the beautiful class and community managed by Ali Edwards. She has always been so true in her memory keeping journey and will forever be someone I admire.

Each month we’re being given a prompt so we get to reflect on our word and how it connects with our intention, challenges we’re facing and how we’re moving in this journey.

I have a small binder in which I keep my notes with a bit of simple scrapbooking. I usually keep this album very simple. The main goal here is not to make it as pretty as it can be, but to really dig deep into what our word is bringing to us, what’s shifting etc.

I’ve already seen how in the last 3 weeks I have been challenged. How my walls went back up in a second, and I had to consciously watch this happen and decide to knock them down. That demanded courage, and it paid off. I felt like I was growing, expanding. Showing up to myself, telling the truth about how I feel, wanting to move forward, and more difficultly, shifting my perspective and choosing to see a situation in a new light is what I am working on. So I am also Open to change.

I feel that opening myself up is only pushing me forward with a strength I have to get ready for. And I am ready for it.

I’ve also written a letter to my future self for the end of the year. I wanted to have something I could also physically “open” so it’s in a little envelope.

So, what’s your word for this year?

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