Now Reading
Wednesday 19th April

Wednesday 19th April


6.02am: Finally slept through the night without waking up. But wow, after that workout last night, every muscle hurts, especially my legs and my back. Bizarrely though, I’m feeling so great!

7.26am: en route for work. In one day my car will go to the garage to get its engine oil changed. It’s about time, that “bip” -> Service, each time I put on the contact was getting on my nerves 🙂

I arrive to work and decide not to park in the same slot as yesterday. I like my car white. Muhaha, I got the last spot on the other side, happy me!

I do feel very sleepy though somehow. I normally journal 3 pages and do my Headspace meditation when I get to the studio, but this time I feel I’m not going to make it through awake. So I better switch to a little green tea to see if that’s going to help.

When summer comes I tend not to drink tea or herbal tea so much. I may have 2 per day and no more (in winter it’s more like 6!).

Then I process some client images and create my extra shots for a bundle product launching the same day. Quite a busy morning!

1.00pm: I already had crackers at 12 with hummus but now I can fully enjoy my lunch break with a new homemade salad, same recipe as last night. I probably chatted to my partner 4 times on the phone. Classic.

It’s another busy afternoon, tidying up the studio, sending emails and I finally got a break at 4pm to enjoy some lovely strawberries. It’s so warm today, about 26 again!

And I got another delivery!!! Studio Calico planner kit and some goodies I ordered at the end of March.

At 6pm I finally left and went to a local supermarket for dinner’s ingredients. I stumbled upon a recipe I always wanted to try and decided to go for it!

Ah it was so good. We spent 5 months in Asia 4 years ago and came back in April 2013. This was a little wink memory to our trip.

Then I see that Markus is dying to play so i decide to take him outside with a tennis ball for a bit. Good for me, the neighbours came out too with their puppy Estrela and the 2 of them played like crazy for a good 30min.

10pm, everyone off to bed!

View Comments (4)
  • Came over from ali’s to have a look see. You can’t post a beautiful photo of your dinner , the Vietnamese Noodle Salad and not post the recipe for it. Looks so good!

    • Oh that’s so true! The recipe is in French, from a magazine. You know what I’m going to do, I’ll add a photo of it and I will create a little translation too, it’s really easy and SO good!!

    • Thanks! Yes, I think now I’m going to say that this chair is a “corn yellow” 🙂

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